Time and Communication… Can you manage both easily? Or Are they already in control?
Time is one of the topics which has always a place in our lives It is a need which becomes the main topic because sometimes it is not enough, sometimes we cannot manage it or sometimes due to the content of the concept. If we want to define it, time is the measured or measurable period, a nonspatial continuum.

The explanation of the concept includes many points of view that are still unproven with today’s knowledge and open to discussion. We have not reached any further point than the famous philosopher and theologian Augustine’s these words.
“For what is time? Who can easily and briefly explain it? Who even in thought can comprehend it, even to the pronouncing of a word concerning it? But what in speaking do we refer to more familiarly and knowingly than time? And certainly we understand when we speak of it; we understand also when we hear it spoken of by another. What, then, is time? If no one asks me, I know; if I wish to explain to him who asks, I know not.”
The most valuable and unique source we have in the universe. Time cannot be stored, hidden, saved up, sold, bought, transffered, reversed, forwarded. However how to manage it can be learned. All we need to do is to make our plans accordingly by developing awareness in every flow of our lives and determining our priorities.
We will make the organisation of the new arrangement after the determination of what should be replaced with what by looking at the analysis of time spent in business management and social life flow, what should be spared less time to, delegation and correct planning.
Planlessness, indecision, not being able to control your biological rhythm, excessive hours spent as a result of inability to use time correctly, personal attiudes, and behaviours, time intervals spent on arguments and conflict and your new rhythm of life coming with the determination and reorganization of above.
We are waiting for you to this one-day workshop where you will learn to control time without getting into the flow of it.
“Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.“
– Carl Jung –