I heard the name of the class for the first time last year: Maestro. With the drive of reality the first thing which came to my mind was what a cool name it was.  If I deny having thought of questions  like what I would learn differently, what would happen if  I became a maestro, whether I would pull a rabbit out of the hat and people would admire me, I won’t be honest to myself.

Of course in reality, as I was wandering around in minimum levels compared to my old life when I was out my energy and perception met with cognition and began questioning. If some parts of my writing are hard to understand or you cannot comprehend what I am saying please send an email. I wiil reply you immediately because for today Maestro Class is the highest class in Access Consciounness energy world. Most of the information enabling me to explain this comes from this class.

Maestro class draws a road map for both your body and mind so that they can reach the perception point consequently there are  many pre conditions.  For example what would happen if you didn’t pay attention to depth although you didnt know how to swim? The worst would be death and the  best would be serious damage. Therefore you need to be aware of the path you are taking so that the risks would greet you accordingly.

The first day of the class my heart was like as if it would stop. There were obscurity, curiosity, the fear of a new level, the difference the class would bring into my life and hundreds of unknown details but it indicated that I was ready for that as I reached that point.  In other words I chose this.

The classes you attend while completing the pre conditions of maestro class explain you how energy flows within bodies, what kind of a world it has and how we can use it. It prepares to learn how you can eliminate the blocks of the person’s mind you work with.  It reminds you that you can create a new world for yourself and make a new choice. Each of these studies takes you to a different place with a different step. First the perception and then internalization begin.  After these two have completed you will begin saying when the next one is. The duration is different for each person.  I know that you are wondering about it and yes one of the results of this class is not experiencing any difference. My intension isnt explaining it like a fairy tale land as what you live and learn has a price and you may not let it get into your life when you see them. This is also a choice and it deserves respect like every choice.

I have been living with Access tools for 3 years and as it is also my job how I look at the bodies, read them, listen to people while they are explaining themselves, drawing the road maps of consultants by reading the body language and energy of them while I am working on them  define the point I have reached.

Mothers saying “ we have tried everything, we cannot have a baby.”

Our journey friends who have beaten cancer by starting the journey by saying “I might have diagnosed with cancer but I can beat it.”

Consultans who used to say that our thyroid never works without drugs, I have been using drugs for year and now their thyroid works perfectly.

There are also people saying  “Yay! Now I see life from a different perspective and I am very happy. I didn’t know how important getting out of the reality” to improve their life quality.

As I always say personal development is a development map which needs to be shaped according to the person. There is no common pool, or solution. Every one is a specific character and therefore their map is drawn accordingly.

There had always been an area I had always wondered about while learning, applying and searching for these.  An incomplete area called “ beyond”. In the times when I wondered about it I read something a group of a social platform publishing scientific articles. The article was about a continuous study which had been going on for 30 years. You know when we look at the sky at night we see the great stars and all of them display themselves on a great black cover the study named this great black cover “ mysterious black source. It stated that that black source was expanding and feeding itself continuously and had an amazing energy which hadn’t been able to be explained.  This energy renews itself constantly and has an unbelievable power. They had been studying where that black source got its power and became a source for all heavenly bodies ( stars, meteors, planets etc.) we know or we dont know. It was a project which was run together with Nasa by spending millions of dollars and the best professors were conducting it yet any info which could be a source wasn’t able to be reached.

After reading this study I lost my breath and my inner voice told me “ If you choose, this is where you can have the chance to experience in Maestro.” I have told it to everyone in my life and they know it. I am writing to you from here that reading the energy topic, learning it, applying it and internalizing it is the subject of next century. Perhaps I may have got into it in a proactive way by following the messages which reached me somehow. If we still know each other and I write after 10 years we will be telling to people by laughing “ hey we already talked about it ten years ago, have you just realized it?” The reason is medicine and science cannot provide sufficent answers for many things anymore because the solution of problems, illnesses, low quality lives is only and only you. Choosing to change yourself is only a choice and in order to understand this you need to understand what kind of a prison is this reality. At this point the unique world of Access Consciousness steps in. How will you get rid of the information, teachings, matches, effects  you learned many years ago in a second? Is it possible? No! No matter what you read, what you learn it is hard for you to move. But if you have stepped into the energy sessions of Access world it is possible to change everything. (the ones inside it know it)

It was the first day of Maestro class and everyone had different feelings and energy. I was also trying to perceive myself. Dr. Dain Heer is the founder of these classes and who structure them. As he came on the stage I started watching him without paying any attention to what he was saying.  Both his body language and the energy within the look in his eyes were different. He told us that we would go to a place we had no idea about.  According to my perception that sentence resulted in with the question “ am I ready for this? “

And the answer apperared in a second “ what new info have you been ready for up to now?  This is why it is unique. There is no being ready. There is only taking and accepting it.”

Dane defined the energy area the first day. The name of the class was not a name given to explain a level but a name given to explain the area. He was telling us that what we wanted to turn ourselves into was the person whom  we decided that they were ideal in an area in life utopically  based on what we had learned. At the point you decide this you also make everything solid  energitically too. Expansion stops, energy and awareness levels cannot reach the points they are supposed  so that infinite possibilities areas can occur. You need to create millions of definitions, forms, projections to make ideal as you have made a definition and you have addressed that it is unique.  Infinite possibilites symphony does not work as long as you do not get out of this area and clean it.

Well  simply for example you have believed that being a lawyer is the best occupation in the world since you were born. All the stories you have been told, the examples given since you were a child and the road mapa re based on this.  This picture was explained you as the best one for you. If you hadn’t chosen it in your real consciousness level which is 80% percent in our country, the energy you use for motivation during university preparation,  – “ this is the best, I have to do this, my parents wouldnt motivate me to this if this wasnt the best.  – One part of you says “ why the hell am I studying these unpleasant things, the other part says “ dont be ungrateful  your parent wouldnt lead you to  a bad thing. “All these God I dont want this etc” which contains all your emotions saves electromagnetic energy in your body.

You became a lawyer and you are almost 35. When you say “ hey I am not happy at all in this world, what is going on? Luckily your stage to find yourself begins.

You begin looking for a way to  start cleaning everything  you have placed into your life, body, mind. Later it is a journey  which creates different  openings for each.   Maestro area explains how you can get rid of these main blockages by  looking at this congested pictures  from above by using a very strong energy.

The third day and afterwards I and my Maestro friends joining the class from all over the world began studying on bodies by  matching. It was not something we had never done before .  till experiencing that moment. It was the forth day and after giving some at the hall I and someone at the back caught each others’ eyes.  Genereally all my matches are like this as I want it to be natural. Before starting to work we ask the person who is about to take the session what they would like to get from this session. I asked this and see what he said  “I would like to  get into Maestro area and experience there. This is what I have wanted since the first day. After hearing this I asked my questions . (Asking questions : Access Consciousness is a mediator we have placed in our lives and asking questions has its own structure and energy system working accordingly.)And I started  working. Till that day I had never started  a session in such a concentrated way and I didn’t know the reason. After approximately 19 minutes I began to see myself in a black area and I couldn’t undestand  where it was. First I was scared then I accepted it anfd continued.  That area was moving around me and I wasn’t making any effort to stand which meant I was stable but it was moving. Later my inner voice told me that it was the black area everyone was wondering about and I was ice cold. I started expanding my area by taking a deep breath, asking questions and I asked for support from the universe and everyone in the classroom.  Later the energy of that black area started  to flow to my hands . First my hands were too hot and  I understood that I had to transfer it to George’s  body. I began to do this with my own rituals. George’s body started moving as if it was giving reactions and didn’t want to take it. Then I whispered to his ear. „This is  that area, if you choose it  you can take it. Immediately his body calmed down. Later his body started to move  like following a melody harmony. We were absolutely both shocked when the session was over. We couldn’t understand what had happened for a while. I thought about what I had lived constantly that  night and visualised it again.  That day to believe was difficult like all I had learned in each class. It had to be internalized.

The process is going on and but at least now I conduct my symphony of possibilities session by using Maestro area and everything is completely different. Fortunately nothing is the same in this journey.

Let’s see what will change when everything fits together. What energy area and consciousness can we be in order to see the days when all the people all over the world live with all creatures in  infinite joy, wealth, plentifulness  circle?

Believe the things and moments you call miracle. They are so close.