Are you raising your child like you were supposed to be raised? Or, are you raising them for not becoming like your parents?

In order to create the awareness they need, our children want to live the experiences they need. Every space in which we are allowing it, is a contribution to their journey of self-discovery.

The principal structure we want to look at during the Family and Child Counselling session is the situational picture concerning your decision not to become like your parents; it’s just inevitable for us to become like our parents when we want to understand that we are not like them. They are just trying to do the best they can with the tools they have. Instead of raising your child the way you are doing it- if you wish and choose to- you could raise him/her the way you want.

The first step, is to let your children be themselves.

We look at family and child development concepts since the beginning of the formation of the societal structure until today, and examine the way this information has been shaped.

Then, we handle the question about the necessity for every family to create a special space for their children. Later, during the creation of the necessary awareness, we examine the dynamics of raising happy, cheerful and highly aware children who will always be aware of their own reality.

As for the content of the journey; it includes a road map planned accordingly as to discuss and experience all that’s mentioned above.

At Access Turkey, come and create an awareness for yourself and open the door to an amazing future for your child.